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superfastdiet is going to bali in 2025... are you coming too?

we are seeking expressions of interest (EOIs) now!

SuperFastDiet are seeking EOIs from you, our members, to take part in our Inaugural SFD EAT.FAST.LOVE Bali Re'Treat'. You don't have to pay a deposit yet, it's simply an EOI, but the benefit of providing an EOI is that once we are ready to fully launch all those who have expressed an EOI will have 48-hours advance notice to secure their seat before we offer the Re'Treat' to the general SFD membership.
8 days of relaxing, rejuvenating & love!
The re'treat' is 8 days from 8th - 16th August 2025 and will include 4 days in Ubud and 4 days on Nusa Lembongan, an Island 30mins by Fast Boat from Sanur. 

Our Coaching Operations & Events Manager, Angie will personally be coordinating the re'treat' and will be hosting alongside our Co-Founder (and Chief Fun Officer), Victoria. Angie has a 42 year affiliation/love affair with Bali and its people and has been there 21 times!

This re'treat' will be authentic and served with super 'love'! We will be focusing on self-care and, as our re'treat' is named EAT.FAST.LOVE, we will include loads of content and activities to reflect that.

eat.fast.love re'treat' dates:
from 8th - 16th August 2025

you're invited to bali with us
This amazing re'treat' will offer a multitude of amazing activities that you can join in, including:
  • yoga & meditation
  • ​cultural experiences
  • ​massages
  • ​cooking school
  • ​water sports
  • ​island hopping
  • ​sunset drinks!
... and SUPERFAST fun! 
Delicious, fresh cuisine and enjoy cooking lessons so you can create authentic healthy dishes at home.
Part-day fasting with inclusive breakfast served at er... brunch. Your hostess with the mostest claims this is the best breakfast in Bali!
Everything is about relaxing, healing, Bali & self care. Enjoy simply being in your own new skin.

you SO deserve this!

'Here's what some of our 2023 Bali Belles had to say about the 'Re'treat'...

'Everything was wonderful'

'It was perfect, wouldn't change a thing'

'Fantastically thought out and organised'

'Food was fantastic'

'Honestly, I loved the experience- wasn't sure what to expect & wasn't very organised myself, so was very happy to go with the flow! Loved meeting all the ladies in different activities.'

'A fabulous week, making new connections, potentially life long friends with a fantastic group of ladies, lots and lots of laughs, a secure environment to express emotions, with great activities appealing to me and all the other ladies! Absolutely loved the trip, and would do it again in a heartbeat!'

'The best solo trip I have ever made, just joyous!'

'The experience was so out of my comfort zone, the retreat has left me so exhilarated that I can’t wait for next year to do it all over again and I am so grateful of the friendships I have made.'

''The overall experience for me was excellent in terms of planning, scheduled events, and interaction with everyone!'

this isn't just another retreat... it's your new way of life we're celebrating!